In Poland the Florentine champion wins with his group in spite of the difficulties encountered on a dangerous and slimy layout .
At the eve Simone Faggioli already knew it: he was aware he would have to fight tooth and nail on the first stage of the away games of the European Championship of the Mountain FIA in Limanowa, Poland.
Faggioli and his team tried different solutions of set up, without succeeding in identifying the best one in order to take on the exceptional slippery conditions of the Polish layout. In spite of this, the standard bearer Best Lap, on board of his Norma M20 FC tired Pirelli, showed off his best driving qualities and he ranked second of the national championship, as well as first of the group. Ahead of him, Christian Merli on Osella FA 30, on third position the Czech Milos Benes always on the single-seater from Turin.
The victory of the group let Faggioli remain anyway ahead with equal merit with Merli in the rank of the European Championship.
“Obviously I’m sorry, we gave our best without reaching our goal. I know we still have to work in order to fill some gaps, even if for me a blacktop in these conditions is extremely dangerous for everyone.”
Limanowa dismissed, Faggioli is already working for the Dobinski Kopec, the Slovakian stage of the continental championship which is holding next week.
Follow our champion in the next race in Dobsinsky Kopec, Slovacchia, second race in the return round for the European Mountain Championship FIA

Simone Faggioli first of the group and second of the national championship in Limanowa
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